
Published on 30 July 2023 at 21:08


So, on Friday night, I joined a short introductory breathwork session hosted by John Paul at breathing journeys. I didn’t really need an introduction to it, so felt a little bit of a gate crasher, but I wanted to join a guided breathe and John Paul let me tag on. Breathwork became part of my life in 2022, when I found John Paul through a friend. I’d had a breakdown, (didn’t really recognise that at the time,) but that’s what it was! Anyway in a bid to move forward and heal myself I went through ten sessions of breathwork, it released trauma my body had held for years, it helped me process the feelings associated with that. I journaled my way through it, I wrote poetry; some probably pretty badly but it was an outlet. My main focus throughout the work was to improve the relationship I had with myself, my self esteem and self confidence were always low and in all reality I loathed myself, I masked to get through life. The gentle art of conscious connected breathing helped me with that, and every now and then I like to join a breath session to connect to remind myself of that. If you have questions about my experience of breathwork I’m happy to answer, if you have questions about the actual breathwork then John Paul is the man. So for me, breathwork, swimming and writing have now become the three integrated elements that help me live my life. Oh and my waterproof camera comes in the water with me all the time as I love capturing nature from the water.




Take me as I am.


A wise man once did tell me, we’re who we’re meant to be, so here I go, I’ll take myself, don’t care if you agree.

I saw myself as ugly, a loud, and messy wreck, an over reacting person, hard to keep myself in check.

So how do i now reconcile with the view of which I hold, well I am loud, so I’ll shout it, get out there and be bold.

I’m definitely not for everyone and yep that’s just ok, because I’m who I’m meant to be on this particular day.

So if you cannot take this person, I know now who I am, get on your horse and out of here, and that door I will slam.

Because I need nobody, who can’t take me for me, and I’ll accept you as you are, warts and all you see.

I’ll never sit in judgement, as in your own shoes you have walked, and no one else can know what marks on you are chalked.


J.Hird (c)

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