Wild wimmin Swimmin, was how I first fell into outdoor swimming; I mean it was something I did as a kid in the Yorkshire rivers but that was some time ago. So during covid when swimming indoors was off the agenda, I like many others started looking to alternatives. That’s when I found the group Wild Wimmin Swimmin, unfortunately with travel restrictions I couldn’t join in their swims to start with, but it did plant a seed of an idea and I started swimming local to me, at first in rivers; freezing, and then I began to swim regularly in Loch Earn.
Once travel restrictions were eased I began joining occasional organised swims, there I met my swimming people! I have swum with some amazing women in this group,all supporting each other to just get in the water and have a go. Jenny and Heather the founders are supportive, creative humans who dived right in with heart and soul to this venture. Out of that group, I found two lovely people that I swim with regularly; Debbie and Gillian, it’s easy, we all have our own lives and other things, but every now and again we come together for a wee swimming adventure. Gillian nicknamed us the “swimmin swankies” and it stuck, and we have had some grand days oot!
My love for words developed a wild wimmin song, in collaboration with others in the group. Well I say song only because I used the tune of ‘Wild River’ and fitted appropriate words into that, lots of fun. So here’s to many more Wild Wimmin adventures and I have to say the hoodies are the softest and the hats have the biggest bobble.
Wild Wimmin Song
(Sung to the tune of Wild Rover)
Verse 1.
We are Wild Wimmin and we just like to swim, and we spend all our money on wet suits and things.
We like to meet up and then go for a dip, and when we are done it is off we all strip.
And its off to Lubnaig, Cocksburn and the Earn
For we are Wild Wimmin and for water we yearn.
Verse 2.
We’re right hardy Wimmin and we swim all year long, from summer to winter in wet suits then thongs.
We’ve met lots o friends and we have a good time, and we’re really quite partial to scran and the wine.
Verse 3
Now as we have told you we just like to swim, some are in wetsuits and some are in skins.
There’s even the odd one who wears nothing at all, but when we meet up we just all have a ball.
Verse 4
We are Wild Wimmin and we just swim for fun, as being with friends is much better than one.
We have a good laugh and a chat as we do, and Jenny and Heather its all down to you.
Verse 5
We’re Wild Wimmin Swimmin for over a year, but winter is coming and gives some the fear.
But we’ll wrap up in in dry robes and Big Bobble hats, eat lots of cake and sit for our chats.
Verse 6
We’re wild and we’re wimmin, we’re old and we’re young,we’re all shapes and sizes, and we have so much fun.
We just love the swimmin, so come one and all, most do the breaststroke, but some do the crawl.
Chorus x 2
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