Loch Lubnaig, winter waters.

Published on 6 December 2023 at 21:06


Into freezing waters

we waded off today,

gathering in the glory’s

of an icy winters day.


Tourists watching on,

bemused at such a sight,

three wobbly woman,

with swimsuits awful tight.


Blue language then exuded,

I’m pretty sure it helps,

screams and whoops and hollers,

occasionally a yelp.


But off we went a swimming,

serene and feeling fab,

these waters of loch Lubnaig,

freeze all that is bad.


We relish in the nature,

it’s gloriousness unfolds,

but occasionally we wish…

it wasn’t so bloody cold.

This morning I met with two good swimming friends, fondly nicknamed the Swimmin Swankies. We try to all get together at least once a month, for a swim, some food and a good catch up. We enjoy each  others company and we have a laugh whilst encouraging each other in the water. This morning was a chilly one, the coldest so far this winter; 3.6c in the water, -2c out. The water bites all over when you wade in but because there’s very little difference between air and water temperature it can actually be easier getting in during the winter months. However we all keep an eye on each other, mindful of how each body reacts to the cold temperatures differently. We had a wonderful atmospheric 10-12 minute swim. My hands had started to feel a bit uncomfortable on exiting, but it was absolutely exhilarating. Ben Ledi looked on from above; a Corbett that I have my eye on for this winter. Clouds came and went and snow on the mountains around us popped against the blue skies. After a quick change and warm, we eventually headed to Callander for brunch. The swim in the cold provides therapy for the body and mind, that coupled with the hearty conversations about life over brunch all feed into the amazingly positive impact on our mental health…yes some think we’re crazy; but personally speaking I would be crazy if I didn’t do it.

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Gillian Sinclair
a year ago

Fabulous 😍